Ęwà Àtoge (Beauty&Style) nílè Yorùbá.

In the main, the Yorùbá claim to be descendants of a great ancestor.
There is no doubt at all, that they have a great race. Indeed, they are the progeny of Great War lords, efficient kingdom builders and astute rulers. They have been enjoying for centuries a well organized pattern of society, a pattern which persists basically in spite of all the changes consequently upon modern contacts with the western world.

 Their kings have from a very long past, worn costly beaded crowns and wielded royal scepters. And no one remembers a time when the Yorùbá have not worn clothes. Truly, then, they have their reasons for being proud of their race. Ìdòwú (1955).

 Èrí àrígbámú ni pé yàtò sí pé omo akin ni ìran Yorùbá láti ìbèrè ayé won, Wón tún jé omo akoni-lógun, tó mètò tí à á fí tòlú tí fi i tùbà tùsę.

Ìjì àyípadà gan-an tó tipasè àjosępò pèlú àwon òyìnbó wáyé kò bí òlàjú àsà ìwoso olówó ìyebíye lóní-ran-ń-ran tí toba tìjòyè ìlú ń wò láti se ęsó, ęwà àtoge sára won. Kò sí tàbí sùgbón wí pé Yorùbá kò fi owó yępęrę mú Òrò síse ęwà àtoge.


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