Fact about Yorùbá people.

Before the coming of Europeans to the shores of Nigeria, each ethnic group had it's own philosophy, the Yorùbá people inclusive.
One of the major philosophies of the Yorùbá is moral philosophy, which is basically based on good character training (the spirit of omolúàbí), that is, the mind frame of good behavior in all it's ramifications.

To the Yorùbá people, being an omolúàbí means being of good morals, and morality means ÌWÀ.
in the view of Abimbola (1975), said
     '' ìwà is the most valuable among all other things In the Yorùbá value system''.  Therefore Good character (ìwà omolúàbí) forms the basis for the Yorùbá traditional educational system known as ètò èkó àbílè.


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