Health and Protection in Yorùbá land (Ààbò àti ìlera nílè Yorùbá) Herbal drugs.

In spite of western Education and Religions, many homes still make use of àgbo. There are many villages in Yorùbá land where there are no clinics and maternities, in such places the communities rely on traditional birth attendants and traditional medicine men.

The use of herbal drugs is an important practice among the Yorùbá people, herbal drugs are in the form of decoction (àgbo), concocted diet (àsèje), body lotion (ìpara), pounded  roots, leaves and barks of tree (àgúnmu), and powdered herbal materials for use either with oil or with water (lúbúlúbú) Olaoye.

''Nearly every home in the traditional society has a store or medicament for various ailments and diseases''. Awolalu. Ire ó!


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