òwe ojó ajé (Monday proverb)

 Who do evil in secret, if an earthly king does not see you, the heavenly king sees you.(Literal meaning) Every act of man will be judge accordingly, as no evil doer Will go unpunished. (philosophical meaning). This proverb preaches godliness and honesty. It also condemns stealing in strong terms, affirming that Almighty God is all knowing, it's clearly shown that Yorùbá social values rest firmly on good conducts such as revealed in both their literal and philosophical meanings.

      The major communicative function of proverbs in any culture is to teach (moral) lessons through the sociocultural norms, values and the general worldview of a people, it is through proverbs that the rich Africa cultural values can be best evaluated.

 This is obvious in an Igbo proverb which says '' anyone who needs interpretation of the proverbs used for him, his mother's dowry is a waste'' The above cited proverb shows the degree of importance that African society attached to proverbs as a veritable tool for expressing culture value (Encyclopedia Britannica). To be continue.......


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